The pleasant smell … Is a conventional sign for a designation of the sexual intentions. From several tens erotic essence you can create allsorts only for the favourite. Not to destroy magic charms and to support love game, you should give a signal about the romantic mood!
I use these secrets itself, once for a long time I to it was learnt by the woman. Then on eyes the interesting book about seducing magic has got to me. I share!
We flavour bed-clothes. 3 drops of not diluted essence of rosemary – on a palm. And by fingers of other hand it is in regular intervals put on bed-clothes. The present essence of traces should not to leave! Rosemary since ancient times named «a heart grass». It spiritualises, "inspires", kindles passion, promotes increase in duration of love game!
Recollect, how your romantic mood when your favourite removes socks or a sweaty shirt quickly leaves. Convince the beloved to accept from you a gift - aromatic talc. Only it is necessary to make it, without having offended the partner. Let powders problem zones in the morning, in the evening and directly before appointment.
I pour necessary quantity of foam for a bath and there I add 4 drops of a sandal-wood tree, 3 – ilang-ilanga. Each of oils bears erotic loading. The sandal-wood tree raises a potentiality, does you inventive in caresses. Ilang-ilang strengthens pleasure from love game and from оргазма. Very often we would not like to get over in bed, and we make love directly in water!
Only it is necessary to add 7 drops мирры in a shower gel. We pound each other fragrant gel long enough, stretching pleasure from contacts … We are rinsed with cool water and, without being wiped, we indulge in love!
Kisses will get spiciness if to them in advance to be prepared. The light wine is necessary. In 2 teaspoons of honey add 3 drops of oil of a bergamot. This honey add in 0,7 l of the prepared wine. The cocktail needs to be sustained within 3 days in a warm dark place. Before the use shake up, taste and kiss to dizziness. Wine with a bergamot has property to cause a special erotic pulsation.
It is possible to devote all prelude to mutual erotic massage as "Kama-sutra" advises. The man to the woman gently rubs jasmine oil in a skin: 4 drops on 10 grammes of the olive. A jasmin – female aroma. It liberates closed, allows to feel pleasure by affinity at pregnancy. The woman prepares for the man for massage an elixir on the basis of man's oil of ginger – 3 drops on 10 grammes olive.
Pour in аромалампу warm water and add 5 drops of oil of a pine or a muscat. Light a candle. Let the lamp burns all time while you have sex. The pine gives inflow of energy and forces, introduces fire and recklessness in actions. The muscat rejuvenates, updates sensations. Pragmatists, busy, for a while forget about affairs, become romanticists, and are completely disconnected from problems.