To begin with it is necessary to consider a heap of factors, beginning from you are in what settlement: to a small village with unique so-called "club" or a megacity with trading-entertaining complexes at every turn; finishing yours with the lady individual predilections. I will not write about representatives of subculture and possibilities of multimillionaires. We take an average situation: provincial small town, the usual fellow, average plumpness a purse. At once we will specify that the opinion of the author subjective and is based exclusively on a private experience and meditations.
Variant the first. Walk in park. And why is not present? Especially in warm weather that and on a swing to drive, both ice-cream to eat, and at a bench it was possible to feed pigeons. All of us, whatever one may do, «it come from the childhood». Fresh air … Romanticism!
Variant of the second. I would name its traditional. A meeting in cafe. Soft light, hardly audible unostentatious music, coffee with a cake, chairs opposite. It is possible and is gallant поухаживать, and to talk.
Variant the third. A cinema. Despite popularity of a choice of this variant, in my opinion, it not especially suits the first appointment. Too it is a lot of nuances: the film is better for choosing together with the girl, possibility to talk is close to zero, and atmosphere in the dark has приобнять, to kiss, what not so quickly it is necessary to each companion to liking.
Variant the fourth. For those who conducts an active way of life – bowling or a skating rink (роликодром). But on the other hand, in bowling together dullishly. On a skating rink it becomes especially cheerful, if neither the guy, nor the girl are not able to go for a drive. The laughter together with bruises is provided.
Subtleties. For a long time it is accepted that the account is paid by the man, that is the gentleman. But the girl in a modern society – nature independent. Besides, there are girls who after the payment of invoice the guy will feel awkwardly as if now something should. Therefore, if the lady insists to pay half-and-half, do not resist. Means, so to it will be more comfortable. To show the generosity and other better qualities you still will be in time.
Themes for conversation on the first appointment pick up the neutral: discuss news, take an interest in hobbies of the girl. Aspire not to spread about itself all information, and to push the lady to reciprocal questions: «And you than take a great interest? And where you had a rest in the summer?» And so on. Do not take in head to speak about the former novels and their quantity and if the interlocutor asks, answer with general phrases, without going into details and without sounding the rupture reason.
Behave naturally, the same as with friends. Observance of elementary rules of etiquette, an affable smile, a bunch of flowers, a small talk, kiss on a cheek at parting – and the consent to following appointment at you in a pocket!
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